Planning procedures
When considering external or internal works to a listed building or structure within its curtilage you will need to acquire Listed Building Consent if the works alter the character and appearance of the listed building or any curtilage structures. This not only applies to structural works but can also apply to seemingly minor alterations such as changing the colour of an external render. For some works you may need to submit an additional application for Planning Permission.
Anyone intending to carry out alterations to a listed building, however minor, is advised to discuss them at an early stage with a member of the Planning Service. Work requiring Listed Building Consent which is done without having obtained the consent is a criminal offence and may lead to prosecution.
Further advice
Old buildings behave differently from those constructed using modern methods and materials, and therefore require specific care – otherwise problems and defects are likely to arise. Basic principles and common construction issues are briefly outlined in our ‘Maintaining Your Historic Buildings’ leaflet.
Moreover, the Historic Environment Team can provide you with contact details of specialists who have expertise in assessing and working with historic buildings and other heritage assets in the Yorkshire Dales.