Richmondshire District, Craven District, South Lakeland District (Dent, Garsdale, Sedbergh parishes)
A new Local Plan covering the whole of the ‘old’ National Park was adopted in December 2016.
The Plan was found to be sound and legally compliant, subject to a number of modifications being made, following a public examination during 2016.
Now that the Local Plan has been adopted, it is important that it starts to deliver the development the National Park needs. Housing development is particularly important and we are developing a dedicated section of the website that deals with delivering new homes.
Local Plan documents
Local plan - the main text document setting out the vision, objectives, policies and their justification. At present we are using an interim version of the adopted Local Plan text. Some design and presentational changes will be made to the document shortly, but the text will not change.
Policies maps - set out land allocations and designations relevant to the policies.
Design Guide - gives advice on the design approach expected in the National Park and detailed guidance in relation to different development types. It was adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document in September 2017.
What is the Local Plan?
The Local Plan is a document that will guide new development in the National Park over the next 15 years. It will encourage certain types of development and provide clarity for making decisions on planning applications.
Its objective is to help deliver sustainable development for the benefit of people who live and work in the area and to deliver the development aspects of the two National Park purposes of conservation and enjoyment of the National Park by the public.
What does it contain?
The Local Plan shares the same vision for the area as the National Park Management Plan. It contains objectives, policies, proposals, maps and supporting text. Taken together, these elements will provide guidance to developers, local communities, Members of the National Park Authority, stakeholders and planning officers, about the type and nature of development that will be permitted in the area. It points towards areas of development opportunity and areas that will be protected from development. Its detailed policies cover a range of topics from historic buildings to wildlife and community facilities to quarrying. It replaces the whole of the Local Plan 2006, Minerals & Waste Local Plan 1998, and Housing Development Plan 2012.
How was it created?
The Local Plan is a legal requirement of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Planning officers prepare it by gathering evidence, undertaking research and then drafting options, policies and proposals for decision making by the National Park Authority. It is prepared in conformity with the Government's National Planning Policy Framework.
Public participation and consultation are a statutory part of the production of a Local Plan. Ultimately, the Plan is scrutinised and tested through an examination in public, by an independent Planning Inspector.
Stages in the development of the Local Plan
Work started on the Local Plan in 2012. There were numerous stages in its development, culminating in the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government appointing a Planning Inspector to examine the Plan during 2016. The Inspector found the Plan to be sound subject to the addition of various 'main modifications'.
The Authority adopted the Plan in December 2016 and now use it to guide planning decisions. The Local Plan adoption statement can be found on our examination page.
Annual monitoring reports
To ensure effective delivery of our planning policies we produce an Annual Monitoring Report that outlines general development trends and planning policy issues in the National Park.
Neighbourhood plans
Neighbourhood Plans are a discretionary part of the planning system intended to encourage development and guide planning applications at the very local level.
- Notice of Designation of Gargrave Parish Neighbourhood Area
- Gargrave Parish Neighbourhood Area Boundary Plan. More information on the Gargrave Neighbourhood Plan can be found on Gargrave Parish Council's website.
- Application to designate Clapham Neighbourhood Plan Area