Friends of the Dales is the new name for the Yorkshire Dales Society - a registered charity set up over 35 years ago to campaign for the protection and enhancement of the Dales and to encourage everyone to value and enjoy this special area.
Could you support the charity's current campaigns? These include:
- Keeping vital rural bus services running for residents and visitors.
- Protecting historic traditional barns, drystone walls and hay meadows.
- Pushing for affordable housing for local people.
- Encouraging the use of rail links to take stone out of Dales quarries.
- Saving precious Dales community archives and historic photos.
- Lobbying for sufficient funds for the National Park and Dales farmers.
- Speaking out against damage by motorised vehicles to ancient green lanes.
- Stopping wind farms impacting on local communities and nearby protected landscapes.
You can support vital work to keep the Dales special and vibrant for years to come by joining Friends of the Dales and:
- making a donation;
- becoming a member;
- leaving a gift in your will; or by
- becoming a Trustee or other volunteer.
Friends of the Dales publishes a highly regarded quarterly membership magazine - full of campaign news, events, Dales features and photographs. Everyone is welcome to come along to the year round programme of events, talks and free guided walks.
Visit Friends of the Dales for full details on how to help the organisation's charitable work to keep the Dales special and vibrant for years to come.