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Visit the Dales


Archaeology in the Yorkshire Dales National Park

The buildings, monuments, sites and landscapes of the Yorkshire Dales National Park are its 'heritage assets'. They reflect the history of the area and help make it such a special place.

Our role is to put measures in place to protect and conserve these assets. We also aim to deepen public understanding of the historic environment for the benefit of present and future generations.

We work particularly closely with the Government's adviser, Historic England.

Historic Environment Record

One of our tasks is to maintain the Historic Environment Record (HER). This is the index of all known and recorded archaeological sites and historic environment features in the National Park. It is a repository of knowledge and an effective tool in the protection of the areas heritage.

The core digital data of the HER is hosted on the Archaeology Data Service. This can be viewed by entering 'Yorkshire Dales National Park' in the keyword field. It can also be accessed through our own website,

The HER can also be viewed at our Bainbridge office. Please contact us to arrange a mutually convenient time.


In addition to our own research, we also encourage others to investigate the historic environment. We have a small budget for grants to assist in practical conservation projects and for research - please contact us for more details.

Dales Archaeology Day

We organise and run an annual day school on the historic environment which rotates venue to different locations in and around the National Park in the spring. This provides an opportunity for individuals and societies to disseminate the results of their recent work and to find out what is happening.

What's going on in the Dales

Upcoming events and search for what's on when you visit.

Three Peaks

Find out everything you need to know about walking the iconic Yorkshire Three Peaks.

Essential visitor info

How to get here, where to stay and more.

Get outdoors

Find out about walking, cycling, mountain biking and horse riding


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