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Fees and charges

How much does a planning application cost?

You can calculate planning fees using the Planning Portal's Fee calculator. You will be asked a number of questions then the fee will be calculated for you.

Alternatively you can:

Legal fees for Section 106 Agreements

Standard Agreement: £600 (inclusive of VAT)
Deed of Variation and Releases: £420 (inclusive of VAT)
Complex Agreements*: between £50 to £80 an hour plus VAT, subject to a minimum charge of £600

* Decision on whether an agreement is complex and, if so, the hourly rate applicable, is made by YDNPA solicitor.

Minerals and landfill

Regulations have come into force requiring the payment of fees to planning authorities for the monitoring of mineral and landfill waste sites that are covered by extant planning permissions. The fees set by the Government are £397 for each site visit to an active site or £132 for a visit to an inactive site.

How to pay

If you apply for planning permission online through the Planning Portal you must pay the fee through them or the submitted application will not be released. Alternatively, if applying by post or email, you can phone us (01969 652345) and pay by credit/debit card or enclose a cheque made payable to 'Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority' (YDNPA) with your application. A receipt will be issued once the application has been checked and accepted as complete.

Applications exempt from fees

The following planning applications are exempt from fees:

  • Any application for Listed Building Consent.
  • Any application to provide means of access for disabled people to a building, to alter an existing home for a disabled person who lives or proposes to live there, or to provide facilities for his or her greater safety, health and comfort.

Furthermore, any previous application that has been resubmitted will be exempt from a fee provided that:

  • it is made by the same applicant,
  • it relates to the same site or part of the site and to no other land other than any land required for access purposes,
  • the proposed development is of the same character or description as the original application,
  • it is made within one year of the decision (or date of original application if it was withdrawn),
  • the appropriate fee was paid for the original application
  • the application has not already had a free go.

If you are unsure about any of the above the Senior Planning Technician can always assist you - phone 01969 652345, email


How to find the forms you may need
