The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority is committed to openness, transparency and accountability. We will do our best to provide information to members of the public on request, where it is held by us and provided that there is no legal or other restriction on disclosing it.
If we can, we will respond to requests for information at the time of the request, in the normal course of business.
Much of the information we hold is routinely published and is easily accessible, either from this website or by contacting our offices directly.
Publication Scheme
The Freedom of Information Act requires all public authorities to produce and maintain a Publication Scheme. This is a general guide to what information is available and where to find it, and includes:
- the classes of information that we publish or intend to publish, and where you can find it
- the manner in which the information is published
- an indication of the charges we may need to make in certain circumstances
Please take a look at the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Publication Scheme
Please see our Document Retention guidance note for an indication of how long we keep records and information, either in electronic or hard copy format.
Open Data
You can find out what we spend, how we spend it and other financial, personnel and authority information from our open data page. This includes details of all our spending and procurement, including any current contracts out for tender, which you can access through the finance tab of the open data page.
Still can't find the information you want?
As well as information we routinely publish, members of the public have important rights to access information held by public bodies, including the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, under three main pieces of legislation:
- The Freedom of Information Act 2000
- The Environmental Information Regulations 2004
- The General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018
If you can't find the information you want from our Publication Scheme or this website, you may submit a request for the information by contacting us directly as shown at the bottom of this page. We will be happy to provide the information if we can, unless there is any restriction on doing so in which case we will explain to you why we cannot provide it. Your request may need to be considered under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and, in some cases, we may need to make a small charge for the provision of the information.
We report a summary of requests for information received by the Authority under the terms of FoI, EIR and GDPR on a six-monthly basis, and these details will now by published on this page - please see the link below.
Requests received during the period April to October 2017 inclusive
Requests for information during the period November 2017 to March 2018 inclusive
Requests for Information during the period April to September 2018 inclusive
Requests for Information during the period October 2018 to February 2019 inclusive
Personal Data and our Responsibilities
In the course of our work we may need to hold personal data about individuals - mostly names and addresses, but sometimes more detailed information. The Authority is committed to ensuring this information is handled responsibly in accordance with current data protection legislation, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018. Our staff receive regular training and briefing to ensure they are aware of how to treat personal data with care and respect, and we have an appointed Data Protection Officer, as required by Article 37 of GDPR, to ensure that we comply with legislation. Please see our generic Privacy Notice for further explanation and guidance, and if you would like details of both our responsibilities and your rights as data owner please contact us on or telephone the Access to Information Officer as below.
If you are requesting personal information about yourself, the terms of GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 would apply. Please contact the Access to Information Officer as shown below, and we will be happy to advise you on making a request (Subject Access Request).
Who to contact
If you have any questions about accessing information from the Authority, please read our Access to Information Statement which explains how to make a request, where to send it and how it will be handled.
If you would like help in making your request or have any queries about the process, or wish to make a Subject Access Request, please email us on or telephone the Access to Information Officer on 01969 652326.