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Living & Working


Visit the Dales


Our vision

"Through their passion for this special place, local people and businesses will keep the Yorkshire Dales National Park a thriving area. Its unique cultural landscape will be treasured for its stunning scenery, exceptional heritage and wonderful wildlife, and every year millions of people will be inspired to be part of it".

By 2040, the Yorkshire Dales National Park will be:

  • A distinctive, living, working, cultural landscape that tells the on-going story of generations of people interacting with their environment;
  • A friendly, open, and welcoming place with outstanding opportunities to enjoy its special qualities;
  • Home to the finest variety of wildlife in England;
  • Resilient and responsive to the impacts of climate change, storing more carbon each year than it produces;
  • Providing an outstanding range of benefits for the nation based on its natural resources, landscape and cultural heritage, which underpin a flourishing local economy;
  • Home to strong, self-reliant and balanced communities with good access to the services they need".

(Taken from the Yorkshire Dales National Park Management Plan 2019 - 2024)

Management Plan 2019-24

The National Park Management Plan is the overarching document for the Yorkshire Dales National Park, setting out the kind of place we all want it to be


A landscape of striking contrasts between the deep, sheltered dales and the open, exposed, sweeping moors above. See what we are doing to look after it.


Follow this link to find fascinating facts about the priority habitats in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

Help for farmers

From grants to stewardships, we can help

Historic Environment

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