Discharging planning conditions
You can apply to discharge (gain approval for) planning conditions shown on your decision notice either through the Planning Portal's online application system or by emailing the form below with any required documentation and the correct fee to planning@yorkshiredales.org.uk. NB If you decide to post your application only one copy of the information is required not three as stated on the application form.
This procedure should also be used if you wish to receive confirmation that all conditions have been discharged.
Applying online
- Go to https://www.planningportal.co.uk/applications to start an online application
- Choose the form 'Approval of details reserved by condition' from the list of application types
- Follow the instructions online
Applying by email
- Download the form: Approval of details reserved by a condition
- Complete the form and email it to planning@yorkshiredales.org.uk with any required documentation and the correct fee
- Applications to discharge conditions for listed building consent and advertisement consent are free
- Householder applications £34
- All other cases £116
Amending a planning permission
You can apply to amend your planning permission either through the Planning Portal's online application system or by emailing the form below with any required documentation and the correct fee to planning@yorkshiredales.org.uk. NB If you decide to post your application only one copy of the information is required not three as stated on the application form.
Applying online
- Go to https://www.planningportal.co.uk/applications to start an online application
- Choose the form 'Non-material amendment' from the list of application types
- Follow the instructions online
Applying by email
- Download the form: Non-material minor amendment form
- Complete the form and email it to planning@yorkshiredales.org.uk with any required documentation and the correct fee
- Householder applications £34
- All other cases £234