The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority employs full and part time staff. We have around 130 staff in total, equivalent to approximately 100 full time staff. The staff live in and around the National Park, and are experts in the type of work they do.
Staff operate from two main offices:
- From Bainbridge in Wensleydale - 'Yoredale'
- From Grassington in Wharfedale - 'Colvend'
There are also five National Park Centres at Aysgarth Falls, Grassington, Hawes, Malham, and Reeth.
Chief Executive
The National Park Authority's staff are managed by the Chief Executive, David Butterworth. He is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Authority.
The Authority is organised into three directorates: Conservation and Community, Corporate Services and Park Services.
Conservation and Community directorate
- Director of Conservation and Community: Gary Smith.
- Teams within this directorate: Development Management (planning), Sustainable Development and Land Management.
- Download the staff structure for Conservation and Community.
These teams help look after and conserve the landscape, wildlife and cultural heritage within the National Park. Specialist staff facilitate practical conservation work, provide the planning framework and delivery of the development management service and monitor progress towards our vision for the National Park as a whole.
Corporate Services directorate
- Director of Corporate Services: Richard Burnett.
- Teams within this directorate: Finance, Human Resources, IT, Legal, Communications, Members/Committees, Payroll, Premises.
- Download the staff structure for Corporate Services.
The teams are responsible for delivering key organisational functions including financial management, human resources, legal advice, as well as complementary supporting services such as IT, communications and premises management.
Park Services directorate
- Director of Park Services: Kathryn Beardmore.
- Teams within this directorate: Park Management (with three area based Ranger teams West, South, North) , Access and Engagement, and Visitor Services.
- Download the staff structure for Park Services.
The teams work to enable everyone to access and enjoy the Park and promote understanding of the area’s special qualities. The Park Management section through the Ranger Service maintains public paths and open access, liaises with local communities and user groups and works with the Dales Volunteers. The Visitor Services section include the staff at the National Park Centres and the Dales Countryside Museum, and works with communities and tourism businesses. The Access and Engagement section looks at all aspects of access to the National Park including visitor management, it also promotes opportunities to experience and better understand of the special qualities of the area amongst current and future visitors of all ages and backgrounds.