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National Park Authority priorities

We have a well established priority setting process. This provides a clear framework for planning and managing the Authority's resources and for staying focused on what matters most. It is also part of being honest and open with our partners, stakeholders and customers. It has been recognised as an area of 'best practice'.

The Authority's work is split into 14 'programmes'. These cover all the services we provide - from dealing with planning applications and farm conservation to looking after toilets and car parks. Each programme has a level of priority attached to it. This is to ensure that resources are allocated appropriately and that everyone is clear on where we are directing our efforts.

For more information about how we set our priorities, please see the Setting priorities page.

Our priorities for 2019/20

Programmes where we will strive for an excellent level of service

  • Access for all
  • Development management
  • Land management and biodiversity
  • Rights of way

Programmes where we will maintain an adequate level of service

  • Dales Countryside Museum
  • Development planning
  • Historic environment
  • Landscape features
  • Tourism
  • Volunteering & apprentices

Programmes where progress will be limited or where we will only do the minimum necessary to meet a statutory duty

  • Car parks and toilets
  • National Park Centres
  • Sustainable development
  • Visitor management

Management Plan 2019-24

The National Park Management Plan is the overarching document for the Yorkshire Dales National Park, setting out the kind of place we all want it to be

How you can help

Find out about ways to get involved and give something back
