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Validation questionnaires

For more information on validation requirements, please see the applying for planning permission page.

All planning applications, other than those for renewal of time-limited permissions, general permitted development orders (GPDOs - see GPDO criteria), notifications, advertisement consent and lawful development certificates, require the submission of a validation questionnaire which will identify all documents needed before validation:

Full details of the information shown as required on the validation questionnaire can be found on our statutory national information requirements page, our local information requirements page, or by contacting the Senior Planning Technician phone 01969 652345.

Planning application fees

Further information is given on our Fees and charges page.

Please note that an administration charge will be made on incomplete applications which are returned to the applicant. The charge is 10% of the planning fee, up to a maximum of £50.

Application forms

You can apply for planning permission online using the Planning Portal. This allows you to complete the application form, pay the Planning Application Fee and attach required documentation. When making your planning application, provide as much information as you can. Otherwise your permission may be subject to a condition/conditions, which will need additional approval (discharging). This can take a further eight weeks and may incur a fee.

Printable forms

You can download forms from the planning portal. If you cannot find the form you require please contact the Senior Planning Technician or 01969 652345.

The following applications cannot be applied for through the Planning Portal, please download and complete the forms and email to

Pre-application enquiry forms

For more information on receiving advice about your proposed development, please see the planning advice service page.

Contact the Planning Service

All the information you need to contact the Planning Service

Fees and charges

Fees and charges
