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Living & Working


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Community projects

People's Hall, Sedbergh
SDF supported the refurbishment of the People's Hall in Sedbergh, including improving its thermal efficiency, with a grant of £3,000.
People's Hall, Sedbergh
Clapham community village store
A £8,602 SDF grant helped with the set up and running costs for a new community-owned and operated village store.
Clapham community village store
Malham Village Hall
SDF provided support for the refurbishment of the upper floor of Malham Village Hall with a £5,000 grant.
Malham Village Hall

Business & local produce projects

Examples of projects funded by SDF to support businesses

Broadband projects

Examples of broadband projects funded by SDF

SDF aims to support projects that result in positive benefits for communities within the National Park. A case study and some other recent examples feature below.

A hall for the people

A grant of £9,415 helped refurbish the main entrance of the People's Hall in Sedbergh, improving the sustainability of this important community building through better thermal insulation.

A new extension, providing the local community with a gym and fitness centre, was achieved with the help of a separate £9,464 contribution and this is now open to the public.

Other completed projects

  • Refurbishment of the upper floor of Malham Village Hall for community use (£5,000)
  • Installation of energy efficiency measures at Grassington Town Hall (£5,906)
  • Set up costs for a new community shop in Clapham Village (£9,102)
  • Improved toilet facilities at Kettlewell Village Hall (£10,000)
  • Installation of sprung wooden dance floor at the NASH in Hawes (£6,996)
  • Refurbishment of small meeting room at Crosby Garrett Village Hall (£9,651)
  • Installation of energy efficiency improvements by the Parish Council at Garsdale Village Hall (£4,687)
  • Set up costs for the Wharfedale Packhorse bus service serving Upper Wharfedale (£3,742)
  • Fabric of Place will offer arts activities related to the special qualities of Swaledale (£2,500)
  • Kirkby Malham Parish Hall redevelopment (£8,725)
  • Upgrade and improvements to the facilities and accessibility at Buckden Village Hall (£10,000)
  • Conversion of three toilets to provide one accessible unisex public toilet at Askrigg Temperance Village Hall (£2,193)

And in the pipeline...

  • Book by Guy Carpenter focusing on the people who live and work in the National Park (£1,000)
  • Underground electricity cable to serve Long Preston's playing fields pavilion (£5,000)
  • Construction of a Sports Hall for Sedbergh School, the community and visitors incorporating energy saving measures and a green roof (£20,000)
  • Refurbishment of Hawes Market House kitchen plus new fire doors and redecoration (£9,560)
  • Refurbishment of the kitchen at Kirkby Malham Parish Hall (£1,441)
  • Installation of new energy efficient heating boiler for Thornton Rust Institute (£3,086)
  • Extension incorporating toilet facilities and improved access to the first floor, Ravenstonedale Community & Heritage Centre (£10,000)

Business & local produce projects

Examples of projects funded by SDF to support businesses

Broadband projects

Examples of broadband projects funded by SDF

Visiting, learning and enjoying

Examples of visiting, learning and enjoying projects funded by the SDF

Wildlife projects

Examples of wildlife conservation projects funded by SDF

Heritage projects

Examples of cultural and built heritage projects funded by SDF

The SDF story so far...

Facts & figures and projects funded to date, by year
