Interpretation aims to help people make sense of and understand more about the world around them. In the Yorkshire Dales National Park, quality interpretation is a vital tool in explaining why the National Park is such a special and unique place. This includes:
- describing why the beautiful landscape looks the way it does and how it was formed
- explaining the rich heritage of the area and how life in the Yorkshire Dales has changed over thousands of years
- engaging people with the wonderful wildlife that can be found in the National Park.
The Interpretation Officer at the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority is responsible for the provision of interpretation within the Yorkshire Dales National Park. This includes things like village mapboards, interpretation panels, National Park Centre exhibitions, smartphone apps, mp3 trails and geocaches.
Interpretation is also provided through leaflets and websites. Much of this work is for and with community groups, individuals and partner organisations such as the Youth Hostels Association and the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust.
The Interpretation Officer is happy to help anyone in the National Park wanting to produce interpretation. We can advise on the most suitable sort, how much it might cost and how to target it at the right audience.
Please contact us to discuss your project:
Interpretation Officer
Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
North Yorkshire
BD23 5LB
Phone: 01756 751619