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Wildlife conservation projects

Garsdale red squirrels
SDF provided a grant of £4,580 to support a project identifying red squirrel populations and working with landowners to manage sites for red squirrel conservation.
Garsdale red squirrels
Wensleydale red squirrel webcam
A video camera that records live footage from a red squirrel feeder in Wensleydale and broadcasts it at the Dales Countryside Museum, Hawes, received a grant of £2,008.
Wensleydale red squirrel webcam
Sedbergh Community Swift Group
SDF supported the purchase of promotional materials to raise public awareness about swifts in Sedbergh with a grant of £4,760.
Sedbergh Community Swift Group

Community projects

Examples of SDF projects which have improved community facilities

Broadband projects

Examples of broadband projects funded by SDF

SDF has supported a wide range of projects that contribute to conserving and enhancing the rare and special wildlife of the National Park. A case study and some other recent examples feature below.

Squirrels get the X Factor

Red squirrels are settling into a new role as TV stars thanks to SDF funding. The Wensleydale Red Squirrel Group received a grant of £2,008 to set up a video camera that focuses on a squirrel feeder near a house in Appersett Ghyll that is owned by one of the Group's volunteers.The equipment records live video footage and sends it via the internet to a special 32” monitor in the free area of the Dales Countryside Museum in Hawes.  Visitors are able to watch footage of the squirrels feeding in their natural environment. National Park Rangers and Dales Volunteers helped with the installation and now supervise the project’s long-term management.

Other completed projects

And in the pipeline...

  • Hand tools to deliver a 5 year programme of conservation activity days by volunteers at 12 Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Nature Reserves in the National Park (£1,913)

Community projects

Examples of SDF projects which have improved community facilities

Broadband projects

Examples of broadband projects funded by SDF

Visiting, learning and enjoying

Examples of visiting, learning and enjoying projects funded by the SDF

Business & local produce projects

Examples of projects funded by SDF to support businesses

Heritage projects

Examples of cultural and built heritage projects funded by SDF

The SDF story so far...

Facts & figures and projects funded to date, by year
