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Applying for planning permission

Planning advice service

We strongly recommend you obtain planning advice before submitting a planning application. See Planning advice service for further information.

How to submit a planning application

All planning applications, other than those for renewal of time-limited permissions, general permitted development orders (GPDOs - for further information on these, see the GPDO criteria), notifications, advertisement consent and lawful development certificates, require the submission of a validation questionnaire which will identify all documents needed prior to validation:

Full details of information required

For more details:

Applying online

You can apply for planning permission online using the Planning Portal. This allows you to complete the application form, pay the fee and attach required documentation. Some forms are not available through the planning portal, see our Forms page.

Planning application validation requirements in the Yorkshire Dales National Park June 2019

Plan checking service

We have found that more than 50% of planning applications submitted to the Authority are incomplete when they are first sent in. This results in delays in dealing with these applications. Our Planning Technician Team offers a service to speed up the registration of applications. It gives applicants' peace of mind that all the required information has been submitted to enable the application to be dealt with speedily. The Plan Checking Service provides an opportunity for applicants to have their planning documents checked before submitting the application.

What's included

The service will give you a 'same day' response on whether you have:

  • completed all of the forms
  • provided the right plans
  • have all of the supporting information necessary to submit an application which can be registered without delay

Cost of plan checking service

Householder Application: £12 including VAT
Major Application: £54 including VAT
All other Applications: £27 including VAT

Portal applications must be paid for through the Planning Portal. Otherwise, you can pay over the phone (01969 652345) using a debit or credit card or send a cheque made payable to Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) to the address at the bottom of this web page.

How to sign up for the plan checking service 

Please email the Senior Planning Technician at or call 01969 652345.

Design guide

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Design Guide provides guidance on the quality of design that is expected from development proposals and also provides positive help to achieve it. The guide helps to explain what is considered 'good design' in the context of this National Park. In doing so it builds on the guidance given in the National Planning Policy Framework on design and helps designers and developers to interpret the design policies in the Local Plan.

Planning policy

For the strategy, guidance, land allocations and criteria we use to determine proposals for the development and change of use of land and buildings within the National Park, please take a look at our Planning policy section.

How we deal with your personal information.


How to find the forms you may need

Fees and charges

Fees and charges

Contact the Planning Service

All the information you need to contact the Planning Service

National information requirements

Giving further advice on National information requirements we may require

Local information requirements

Giving further advice on Local information requirements we may require
