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Authority Members in a meeting
Photographer: YDNPA
Members and staff of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority during the June 2014 Annual General Meeting
Authority Members in a meeting

Meet the Members

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Open Data

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Role of Members

The overall role of the 25 Members is to ensure the Authority fulfills National Park Purposes and does so in a way that best reflects the special qualities of the Park.

They have a duty to achieve the efficient, effective and accountable governance of the organisation in the best interests of the National Park, and to provide leadership, scrutiny and direction in pursuing the aim of sustainable development – balancing and integrating the environment, social and economic considerations.

Members of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority

The membership of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority is set out in legislation (Environment Act 1995).

There are 25 members in total:

  • 15 are appointed from the local County Councils (North Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbria) and District Councils (Eden, Craven, Richmondshire, Lancaster City and South Lakeland)
  • 10 appointed by the Secretary of State

Of these 10, six are 'national' appointments, in recognition of the national status of the area, and four represent the parishes in the National Park.

Further details of the 'types' of Members is provided on the 'How to become a Member page'.

Meet the Members

Browse through our gallery of members and find out more about them.

Open Data

Access Open Data information for Spending, Procurement, Personnel, Assets and Car Parks

Finance and Open Data

Find out what we spend, pay our senior staff, our assets and more.
