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Meetings of the Planning Committee

The Planning Committee meets on the second Tuesday of every month except January. Its role is to consider significant planning applications for development in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

Papers for the meetings are available to the public five working days prior to the meeting. They can be viewed at the Authority's offices in Grassington or Bainbridge or can be downloaded from the relevant meeting page.


None at present.

If you require any further information regarding site visits please either phone 01969 652345 or email

Select a link from the list of forthcoming meetings or use the search facility to find a past meeting. The meeting agenda and papers can be downloaded by following the links on the individual meeting pages.

Forthcoming meetings

    Telling the Planning Committee what you think

    If you would like to make written representations or speak at the Planning Committee about a particular planning application you must comment or register in writing by 9.30am on the Friday before the meeting.

    Where a number of individuals or a group wishes to speak for or against an application they should agree a spokesperson who can speak on their behalf.

    You should read the following guidance notes before contacting us:

    The procedure for public speakers at Planning Committee meetings is as follows:

    1. The Chair announces the application to be discussed.
    2. The Planning Officer presents their recommendations.
    3. Presentations are given by the relevant Parish Council or Meeting (up to 5 minutes).
    4. Presentations are given by speakers against the application (up to 5 minutes).
    5. Presentations are given by speakers for the application (up to 5 minutes).
    6. The Planning Committee debates and makes a decision.

    Audio Recordings of Committee Meetings

    We make a recording of each full Authority and Planning Committee meeting. If you wish to listen to a recording please contact stating which meeting you are enquiring about.
