South Lakeland District
(Barbon, Casterton, Firbank, Grayrigg, Killington, Kirkby Lonsdale, Mansergh, Middleton parishes)
Local planning policy for these parishes is spread over a number of different documents:
- South Lakeland Core Strategy (2010)
- Land Allocations Development Plan Document (2013)
- Community Infrastructure Levy (2015)
- Local Plan (2006) (only selected policies are relevant as set out in this Guidance Note)
- Policies maps set out land allocations and designations in respect of the above policies for Barbon/Casterton, Kirkby Lonsdale and Kirkby Lonsdale Town Centre. Details can be found on the mapping key.
- Cumbria Minerals & Waste Local Plan (2015-2030)
There are no adopted neighbourhood plans covering this part of the National Park.
There are a number of Supplementary Planning Documents and other planning guidance documents that apply in South Lakeland District: