Planning a visit?

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Planning application search

You can search and view the following information relating to planning applications registered since 1 December 2005 (applications from before December 2005 may come up but there will be no attached documents):

  • The progress of applications
  • Copies of application forms (app), plans (pla) and other documents accompanying planning applications (available within 5 working days of receipt)
  • You can submit your comments by email about individual applications
  • View the decision notices (dec) issued by the Authority

NB: Once a decision has been issued, only the decision notice, officer's report and approved plans will be available to view.

How to search

As search information must match exactly what has been entered by us to bring up a result, it is often best just to search on the application code or if you haven't got the application code then a key part of the address can be added to the site location box (ie 34 Temple Street, search on Temple Street) together with the parish. NB pressing Ctrl F5 will refresh the page and ensure you are viewing the latest version of the page.

Tip: Downloading application documents

Links to any application documents which can be downloaded may appear on the page several seconds after the rest of the application information appears. This is because they have to be retrieved from the database.

Commenting on a planning application

To comment on a planning application currently being processed please email, quoting the application number and the development's location. The Authority is obliged to make any correspondence received about an application available for inspection by the public. NB: A fastrack appeal process has been introduced for householder and minor commercial permissions which means if the applicant appeals the decision you will not get another opportunity to comment.

You may find the following useful:

Do you require a planning history search?

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority can undertake planning history searches on individual properties or land. Should you require this service please forward the following by email to

  • Full address of the property.
  • Up to date scale plan showing the extent and location of the land you require searching clearly outlined in red.
  • £24 fee (including VAT @ 20%) – please either pay over the phone with a card (01969 652345) or send a cheque made payable to YDNPA (Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, Yoredale, Bainbridge, Leyburn, North Yorkshire, DL8 3EL). NB: The £24 fee gives a Planning Application search giving applications from 1 January 2000 to present date; there is an additional option of an Historic records search from 1 April 1974 to 31 December 1999 for a further £23.50 (including VAT @ 20%).

This service is for planning history only; please refer to the relevant district council if a full Local Land Charges Search is required.

EIA register

If you would like to view details of Environmental Impact Assessments / screening opinions which have been submitted to the Authority, only enter "EIA" in the application code box and alter the date range.

Terms and conditions

To use the search you must tick the box to confirm that you agree to the terms and conditions (opens in a new window) of its use. These refer to the copyright of material and may be viewed by following the link above or the one in the search itself.

Having problems?

If you experience any problems please email, including as much information as possible, including the planning application number.

Planning Committee

Visit Planning Committee to view agendas and reports from current and previous meetings
