Here at the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, we strive to deliver high quality and efficient services.
What does 'high quality' and 'efficient' actually mean?
These levels of high quality and efficiency are defined in a number of ways. They include our organisational values, published standards of service, codes of conduct for Members, officers and volunteers and in policies that guide us in how we carry out our business. All of these aspirations and definitions of good service are available in What we aim to do.
How do we know how we're doing?
An integral part of providing high quality services is having a clear and realistic picture of how we are doing. With help from internal performance reviews, external audit and public feedback through surveys, we are always trying to keep an up-to-date view of the level we are actually performing at in everything we do. We feel it's important that all of this evidence is available for anyone to access so that we can be congratulated or held accountable as a public body. You can find it in Our performance.
Please tell us what you think
We value your opinions and feedback on how we measure up to these standards. In fact they are vital to help us keep striving to be the best we can be. We have an effective procedure for recording and dealing with any compliments and complaints. Full details are on the Making a compliment or complaint page.