Lancaster City
Parts of three Lancaster City Council parishes - Leck, Ireby and Burrow with Burrow - are within the National Park. Local planning policy for this area is spread over a number of different documents:
- Lancaster Local Plan 2004
- Core Strategy 2008
- Development Management Plan 2014
- Policies Map – sets out land allocations and designations in respect of the above policies
- Lancashire Minerals & Waste Local Plan Core Strategy (2009) Part 1, Part 2 and key diagram
- Lancashire Minerals & Waste Local Plan Site allocations and development control policies (2013) Part 1, Part 2, Note of Mineral Safeguarding Areas
There are no adopted neighbourhood plans covering this part of the National Park.
The following Supplementary Planning Documents have been produced to support adopted policies:
The City Council also produced a number of helpful Planning Advice Notes to provide more informal guidance on a range of matters.