Download our latest app (iPhone version - Android version) and help us keep the Three Peaks network of paths in tip top condition.
What's on the app?
- descriptions and OS 1:50,000 maps for the famous Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge route
- alternative routes up each of the Three Peaks
- route descriptions and OS maps of suggested mountain bike routes around each of the peaks
- geolocated places of interest (POIs) which range from archaeological sites through to nature reserves
- stunning 360° panoramas from the summits
- augmented reality 'toposcope' for each of the three peaks
- advice on what to wear and what equipment to bring
- information on travel, accommodation and places to eat
- ways to share your experiences online
- ways to challenge yourself and your mates
WiFi and mobile signal
The 3G signal in the Three Peaks area can be patchy. To compensate we have frontloaded the app with all the maps and most of the other information, so you will be able to use it wherever you are. We've listed all the places we know of in the area where you can get free wifi for the cost of a cup of tea or pint of beer, so you can explore some of the external links within the app too.
App + map + compass
This app is designed to help you plan your trip and be a companion when you arrive. It should NEVER be used as a substitute for a map and compass when you are out in the mountains. Please don’t embarrass yourself (or us) by having to call out Fell Rescue just because your phone battery died!
Where does the money go?
Every penny we make from sales of this app goes towards our work in the Three Peaks area, repairing the heavily-used paths and helping visitors get the most from their visit.