We are often asked questions about the Yorkshire Dales Access Forum and the work we do. Answers to the most frequently asked questions are below.
If you have other questions about the Access Forum that are not answered below, please email accessforum@yorkshiredales.org.uk at the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority's Bainbridge office.
How do I join the Access Forum?
Applications are welcomed. Contact the Access Development Officer for more information or download an application form from the Membership page. Interviews are normally held early in December each year. Appointments are for a three year term. If you have a particular recreational interest you may want to contact us about the Advisory Groups which have a wider membership that YDAF members.
How often does the Access Forum meet?
Normally there will be three full meetings a year but there may be other sub-group meetings. Members may also attend a number of training events and conferences throughout the year.
Can I speak at an Access Forum meeting?
There is a question time at the start of every meeting, otherwise it will be at the discretion of the Chair. Please contact the Access Development Officer for guidance. We prefer questions to be submitted in writing at least five days in advance of the meeting so that an informed answer can be provided.
Can I have minutes and papers of meetings sent to me?
This is not normally possible but you can download the agendas and associated papers of all meetings since January 2006 on the Meetings and papers page.
How can I get something onto the Access Forum agenda?
Please contact the Access Development Officer at the the Authority's Bainbridge offices. He/she will discuss the matter with the Chair. Agenda items are at the discretion of the Chair.
Are members of the Access Forum paid?
No. All members give their time freely and voluntarily. They may, however, claim out of pocket expenses. These are published in the Annual Report each year and can be downloaded on the Annual reports page.
Can I attend a meeting of the Access Forum?
Yes. All YDAF full meetings are open to the general public and each meeting venue is accessible for those with disabilities. Site visits and training events are not normally open to the public.