Local Authority freehold assets and leasehold assets
Freehold and leasehold assets - 2014
Freehold and Leasehold assets - 2015
Freehold and Leasehold assets - 2016
Freehold and Leasehold assets - 2017
Freehold and Leasehold assets - 2018
Parking revenues and controlled parking spaces
Parking revenues and controlled parking spaces 2014
Parking revenues and controlled parking spaces 2015
Parking revenues and controlled parking spaces 2016
Parking revenues and controlled parking spaces 2017
Parking Revenues 2018 (controlled parking spaces as previous years)
The Authority's "constitution" is represented by our Members Handbook. This contains regulatory and policy documentation including those listed below. If you would like to discuss any of these documents please contact Lesley Knevitt on 01969 652326 or email her on Lesley.knevitt@yorkshiredales.org.uk.