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Internal audit

Internal audit

The National Park Authority's Financial regulations state that 'Each National Park Authority is required to maintain an adequate and effective internal audit' and that 'the internal auditor shall determine the scope of any internal enquiries or investigations.'

The Authority's internal audit provider is Veritau Ltd.



Reports on progress on National Park Management Plan objectives

The National Park Management Plan has a lifespan of five years, the current Plan being for 2013-2018.

Annual reports detailing progress made on the objectives contained within the Management Plan. These contain a summary of overall progress and an up-to-date 'Park Profile', summarising some of the key contextual data for the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

Produced by the Steering Group for the Management Plan, these reports are presented to the National Park Authority's Board of Members and can be downloaded below:

Reports on Corporate Plan objectives and actions

Progress on our objectives in the Corporate Plan and actions in the Action Plan is monitored and every six months a report is presented to the Audit and Review Committee. At the end of each financial year a full Committee report detailing and analysing progress on all our objectives is presented to all the National Park Authority's Members.

These are available for download below:

Performance and project reviews

Each year, the Audit & Review Committee identifies an annual programme of reviews comprising two elements: performance reviews, which are led by Members, and project reviews.

Performance reviews focus on efficiency savings and value for money while project reviews aim to note lessons we have learned and using them to drive improvement in future work.

Performance reviews

The Committee undertakes at least one performance review each year. The most recent reviews can be downloaded below:

Project reviews

Each year, National Park Authority staff carry out up to two project reviews. Reports from the most recent reviews are available to download below:

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Three Peaks

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