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Corporate governance

We believe that the way the National Park Authority is governed is important. Good governance will enable us to:

Corporate governance arrangements are all the structures, policies and procedures that determine and control the way that we, the National Park Authority, operates. We maintain a library of all of our current policies, many of which are relevant to governance, and they are regularly reviewed and updated.   Some of these key policies and procedures are shown below, but if you would like to learn more about how the Authority operates within the governance framework, please get in touch with the Corporate Services Officer by email:   

Key operational documents adopted by the Authority  

Please click on the links highlighted below to read examples of our governance-related couments:

  • The Authority has in place a Local Code of Corporate Governance, setting out how the our governance arrangements will be managed and monitored.
  • The Authority's Equality & Diversity Policy is here.  Please see our Equalities Statement here, which sets out our commitment to our responsibilities under the public sector Equality Duty.  If you would like further information on anything within the current Equality Statement, please email Lesley Knevitt (as above).
  • Our Board Members must adhere to the Member Code of Conduct.  The Monitoring Officer is the first point of contact for all issues relating to the Code.
  • Please click on the links here to see the Authority's policies on Fraud, Procurement, and Risk Management.
  • Our Financial Regulations are available here, and details of what we spend can be seen on the Open Data page.
  • An explanation of how our Members are reimbursed is available here.

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Three Peaks

Find out everything you need to know about walking the iconic Yorkshire Three Peaks.
