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Local information requirements

What are they?

National planning policy dictates that certain documents and information are submitted with every planning application. In general, this consists of information provided on the standard application form and supporting documents to accompany the application. However the nature of the supporting information will vary depending on the type and scale of the application. These requirements are statutory - a planning application cannot be processed if the necessary information is not received.

There is also a list of information requirements that are specific to the Yorkshire Dales National Park. All planning authorities may have such a list of 'Local information requirements' to take into account the particular qualities of the area they cover, in our case, the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

Reasons for national and local requirements

  • Help you, the planning applicant, from the outset, to understand the type and extent of information that will be required of you.
  • Provide you with greater certainty.
  • Enable us to have all the information we need in order to determine the application, draft the planning permission and word any planning conditions required.
  • Minimise the risk that we will have to come back to you for more information and thus the risk that we will fail to achieve our performance targets.
