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Impact of climate change

The National Park Management Plan Steering Group has facilitated the completion of a detailed assessment of the likely risks of climate change on the Yorkshire Dales National Park. The report, Adapting to Climate Change in the Yorkshire Dales National Park, considers the likelihood and scale of the predicted impacts, and their effect on the special qualities of the National Park.

This section of the website summarises the potential impacts of climate change and their consequences. It highlights those issues identified as carrying the highest levels of risk or opportunity and that potentially affect some of the most important special qualities of the National Park. Some of the most significant actions that are already happening to try to manage these risks are also identified.

The information in the assessment was used to develop the National Park Management Plan 2013 - 2018, and to prompt discussion between organisations who are implementing the plan on further actions required.


There are over 150 species found in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Following this link to find out about them.


Follow this link to find fascinating facts about the priority habitats in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.
