Renewable energy technologies, like ground source heat pumps and biomass heaters, offer an alternative to fossil fuels and can help reduce CO2 emissions.
There are financial benefits too. Investing in a renewable energy technology now basically means pre-buying energy at today's prices for a future where energy may cost a lot more. If fuel prices rise, your pay back would happen even sooner.
The National Park Authority has produced a document called 'Yorkshire Dales National Park Design Guide’. It is intended to be a useful reference for those interested in sustainable energy production.
The Energy Savings Trust has comprehensive information on the technologies available.
With our partners, though the National Park Management Plan, we are working to reduce carbon emissions and improve the viability of local businesses and communities by increasing the take up of small-scale renewable energy so that at least 5 megawatts has been installed by 2018.
In June 2017, over 4 mW had been installed.