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Young Rangers

Young Rangers is for anyone aged 11 to 16 who loves the outdoors and is keen to find out more about our amazing National Park. We now have not one but three Young Ranger groups! The groups are based in the South, West and North of the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Each group meets once a month to take part in some practical work in and around the local area. The groups are run by experienced, qualified staff and volunteers from the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority.

How do I join in?

All you need to do is get in touch with Catherine for the South group and Rachael for the North and West groups (contact details below) to get a membership form which needs to checked and signed by a parent or guardian. Once we have your form we will send you details of each meeting and all you have to do is turn up!

What's it like?

Well, great obviously! Though, don't take our word for it. Hear it straight from the horse's mouth. You can also learn a few things about building a drystone wall.

And check out our Facebook page Dales Young Rangers to see what we have been up to.

What do I need to bring?

You need old clothing (you will get dirty) that is appropriate for the weather on the day and strong flat shoes or boots (We can bring spares for you to borrow).

Most importantly don't forget your lunch and a drink – adults might be willing to share in an emergency but we like lots of mustard, pepper and really strong cheese in our sandwiches!

And we ask that you always let us know if you are planning to come along on a day so we know how many tools to bring and don't leave anyone behind at the start of the day.

You can bring an adult if you want to. It's good for us to have extra adults around and it can be nice for you to share what you are doing with someone else in your family.

Get in touch

If you would like to come along to any of the meetings please get in touch with:

Catherine Kemp - South

Office phone: 01756 751641
Mobile phone: 07791444943 (contact on the day only)


Rachael Alderson - North & West

Office phone: 01969 652366
Mobile phone: 07837253763 (contact on the day only)


Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
Hebden Road
BD23 5LB.

The new North and West Young Rangers groups are funded by BIG Lottery Fund through the Green Futures partnership programme led by Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust. Green Futures aims to empower and support young people in the Yorkshire Dales and the surrounding area to become more involved, aware and connected to the fantastic natural environment that’s right on their doorstep.

Green Futures is part of Our Bright Future, a £33 million programme funded by the Big Lottery Fund and run by a consortium of eight organisations which is led by The Wildlife Trusts. Our Bright Future aims to tackle three big challenges facing society today - a lack of social cohesion, a lack of opportunities for young people and vulnerability to climate change.

The Young Rangers group based in the South of the National Park is being part-funded through Stories in Stone, an ambitious four-year programme of conservation and community projects concentrated on the Ingleborough area developed by the Ingleborough Dales Landscape Partnership. The scheme is led by Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust and supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Our Bright Futures logoStories in Stone logoYorkshire Trust Millennium Trust logo
