All Creatures Great and Small
The most northerly of the dales within the National Park is home to the wonderfully named Booze and Whaw – two of the small communities in the valley. The largest village, Langthwaite, is famous for being used in the title shots for the iconic series 'All Creatures Great and Small' in particular the Red Lion pub.
Tan Hill Inn
Arkle Beck flows down Arkengarthdale to meet Swaledale at Reeth. It is a sparsely populated, winding dale with a wonderful wild feel to it. A beautiful unfenced road climbs slowly up the valley to eventually reach the highest pub in England - the Tan Hill Inn.
As you pass through the dale you will see the evidence of the mining industry which once thrived here. For many years this was an important leadmining area, and chert – a hard flint-like stone used for pottery making – was also quarried. The leadmining in Arkengarthdale was dominated by the CB (Charles Bathhurst) Company which was founded in 1656 when a Dr. Bathhurst purchased from the Crown the right to mine in the area - this name now lives on at the C.B Inn which sits among the remains of this once lucrative industry.