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Visit the Dales


Grassington National Park Centre

Grassington National Park Centre
Grassington National Park Centre
Grassington National Park Visitor Centre
Photographer: Stephen Garnett Photography
Grassington National Park Visitor Centre
Grassington National Park Visitor Centre
Photographer: Stephen Garnett Photography
Grassington National Park Visitor Centre
Grassington National Park Visitor Centre
Photographer: Stephen Garnett Photography
Grassington National Park Visitor Centre

Weather forecasts

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Where to stay

There is a full range of places to stay from campsites to boutique hotels throughout the Yorkshire Dales

Grassington National Park Centre

Hebden Road, Grassington, Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 5LB (grid reference: SE 003 637)

Grassington National Park Centre is based on the edge of the lovely town of Grassington in the heart of Wharfedale. A short walk takes you into the village centre, or you can walk down to the River Wharfe, see Linton Falls and enjoy a walk alongside the river. There is a large car park and toilets (small charge) as well as spaces for coaches and a picnic area.

Grassington is easily accessible by bus from Skipton. There are also some bus services from Ilkley. Both Ilkley and Skipton have good rail connections.

Opening hours

April to October, daily, 10am to 5pm

CLOSED - Thursday 26 April for staff training.

November to March, weekends only, 10am to 4pm.
Closed throughout January.
Additional opening: between Christmas and New Year, and February half term.

Please note: opening hours are subject to change – please call to confirm before setting out.

Weather forecasts

Find details of local weather forecasts

Where to stay

There is a full range of places to stay from campsites to boutique hotels throughout the Yorkshire Dales

Meet the Rangers

Find out about our team of Rangers, what they do and how to get in touch with them.
