Spring will most definitely be springing by the time March rolls around in the Dales. The very first wild flowers like lesser celandine and primroses can be spotted along the field banks and roadsides. There will be lots of woolly lambs in the fields watched over by their anxious mothers, and birds will be in full song. The lapwings with their 'drunken' flight and the distinctive cry of the curlews will have returned to the Dales.
Visit one of several beautiful woodland reserves to get the full effect. Freeholders' Wood is in Wensleydale and owned by us while in Wharfedale you will find Grass Wood which is owned by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. Both have well-made paths laid out for you to follow.
Many of the open farms in the national park will also be fully open by the end of the month with lambs to be bottle fed and calves to be spotted. Hazel Brow Farm has a wonderful location in Swaledale and Hesketh Farm Park is right at the other end of the National Park in Lower Wharfedale.