The John Muir Award is an environmental award scheme focussed on wild places. It encourages awareness and responsibility for the natural environment in a spirit of fun, adventure and exploration.
Who can take part?
The award is open to everyone. It is run by the John Muir Trust. The Award is not competitive but should challenge each participant. Taking part will develop an understanding of, and responsibility for, a chosen wild place or places.
The award works for all sorts of groups - we have helped schools, youth groups and adult groups through the award. Each award group must be able to commit to spending the time needed to achieve the award, and to complete whatever task is chosen to share their experiences of the award.
Each year the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority supports a small number of groups to achieve a John Muir Award at Discovery Level. How each group achieves the Award depends on their abilities and resources; each award is designed specifically for the group taking part.
What does it involve?
The Award is designed around four challenges:
- Discovering a wild place
- Exploring a wild place
- Conserving a wild place
- Sharing experiences of the wild place
Participants must spend at least four days (or the equivalent time) on these four challenges.
Who can I contact?
You can do the award independently when you visit the Yorkshire Dales National Park. For information about how to do this and ideas of things to do visit John Muir Award.
For more information about support for group awards please contact:
Catherine Kemp, Learning and Engagement Officer
Tel. 01756 751623