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Tourism facts and figures

We commission surveys and collate survey data from different source. These help us identify what is happening to access, recreation, diversity, visitor management and sustainable tourism in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

Trends in tourism in the Yorkshire Dales 2017

Monitoring of trends in visitor numbers and the amount they spend is carried out annually using the Scarborough Tourism Economic Activity Monitor (STEAM) model. Whilst we continue to see increases in tourist days, tourist numbers and revenue, the level of increases have not been as great as previous years.  However, the number of overnight visitors increased by 0.04 million  from 0.48 million in 2016 to 0.52 million in 2017 - further details are in the report below.

2016 - 2017 trends in tourism in the Yorkshire Dales STEAM report

2016 - 2017 Tourism trends Yorkshire Dales - Data tables

Yorkshire Dales National Park visitor survey 2017

During 2017 we surveyed more than 600 visitors to the Yorkshire Dales National Park. We wanted to find out the demographic profile and satisfaction of visitors to the National Park, as well as how they plan their trip. For the first time this includes sites in the extension area.

Tour de France Business Survey 2014

During 2014 over 150 businesses completed this survey to help us found out the impact the Tour De France had on businesses in the area.

2014 Tour De France Business Report 

Dales Tourism business survey 2012

During 2012, we asked 132 businesses of varying size and geographical location their views and opinions. As the first survey of this type we can't compare the information to any previous findings. It does, however, form a base for future actions.

2012 Yorkshire Dales Business Survey report

Funding for projects

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