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Living & Working


Visit the Dales


Support for tourism businesses

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority offers a range of support for those operating tourism businesses in the National Park.  The information below provides an introduction to the support available to your business and our current tourism projects.

YDNPA Website  for Visitors

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority website contains a huge amount of information about the Yorkshire Dales, including visitor information, events, accommodation, suggested walks and cycle rides, as well as interesting features on nature and the history of the National Park.  

The site contains a basic listing of places to stay in the Yorkshire Dales. To be included within this free listing, complete the online form which you will find here  

Call in and say “hello”!

Our Information Advisors at the National Park Centres are a font of local knowledge and information about your area. Our National Park Centres are open daily between Easter and the end of October and selected days during the winter months.  You can pop in to see them, to gather information, find out about National Park events such as Guided Walks and our Go Wild family events, share what you are doing, pick up copies of The Visitor and leave your promotional material for display.  Call in and say “hello”, our Information Advisors would love to see you!

The Visitor

Our annual Visitor magazine is free and packed full of features and interesting information for visitors.  Copies in boxes of 60 can be ordered from the editor Sarah Nicholson: Or if you only want a few, just pick some up from our National Park Centres.  If you are interested in advertising in future editions, Sarah will also be able to discuss this with you.

Promote your event

Have you got an event happening in or around the Yorkshire Dales National Park? If so, you can now add your event to our online events listing and promote to our website's quarter of a million annual visitors. Linking to local events is a great way to attract visitors and encourage them to stay a bit longer.  You can also now display events directly on your website, through a website supported by Richmondshire District Council.  Further information on is available on

Use the National Park brand

The Yorkshire Dales National Park logo provides a strong identity for this beautiful area and is also a nationally-recognised brand. If you are a business, community group, individual or charity working in the National Park, or you are holding an event in or about the National Park, you can apply for a license to use one of five logos developed especially for you.

Access to free images

We can give tourism businesses in the Yorkshire Dales access to a library of free professional photographs which you can use on your website or in promotional material.  If you would like access to these images, please
contact us.

Events for tourism businesses

The Yorkshire Dales National Park runs a number of events and workshops throughout the year aimed at tourism businesses.  These give an opportunity to meet other businesses and talk about tourism initiatives in the area.  For information on upcoming events, see our tourism business events page.

Sign up for our Tourism Newsletter

Our "Tourism Talk" e-newsletter is mailed to tourism businesses around three or four times per year. It aims to provide tourism businesses information about what we have been doing along with upcoming events and projects.  If you are a tourism business in the Yorkshire Dales and would like to receive our tourism e-newsletter mailings, please contact us.    

How to contact us:
The Tourism Officer post is a job share so it might be easiest to contact us by email.
Kathryn Storey, Tel: 01756 751650
Tracey Lambert, Tel: 01969 652369 or 01756 75164

Current Tourism Projects

Find out about our current tourism projects.

Distinctly Dales

Find out how businesses can benefit from what's special about the Yorkshire Dales.

Go Green!

Here are some of the things we are offering businesses to go green!

Brilliant Businesses

A wide range of business case studies covering successful measures around sustainability and good business sense

Funding for projects

Our Sustainable Development Fund can help individuals and businesses

Making your business cycle friendly

Some things to consider when providing for cyclists.
