Hundreds of years ago, this area of woodland and pasture was part of Austwick's village quarry, you can still see how pock-marked the hillside is even though it is now grassed over. Read more about it on our Out of Oblivion website. The woodland area would also have been an important source of firewood and timber for locals in times gone by.
Today it is designated as a Site Of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and in spring is a glorious tapestry of bluebells and other woodland flowers. Find out more about the wildlife of native woodland in the Dales on our Nature in the Dales website. The woodland is part of an Open Access agreement and access paths have been laid out through the wood. We've put mapboards at each of the entrances to help you find your way. Walks can also include the lovely village of Austwick and the hidden hamlet of Feizor with a great café at Home Farm.