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Living & Working


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Local information requirements

Ecological/geological assessment

What is required?

The requirements are different for different protected sites:

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)

The applicant/agent will need to contact Natural England and get their consent that permission can be granted. If there are conditions recommended by Natural England, the applicant/agent is required to confirm that they will comply with these conditions. If the applicant/agent does not wish to comply with the conditions then a copy of consultation response from Natural England should be provided along with details of how any issues raised by Natural England will be addressed.

Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Special Protection area (SPA) or Ramsar (wetlands of international importance)

If the proposal is likely to have a significant effect on the protected area then an Appropriate Assessment will need to be completed by Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority. The applicant may be requested to provide such information as may reasonably be required to make such an assessment and at their own cost.

Limestone Pavement Order, Local Nature Reserves, RIGS, Local Wildlife Site, Open Upland, Important Hedgerow or other locally important site

Development affecting sites within any of these areas needs to be justified by exceptional circumstances of need which cannot be met in any other way, or where there are wider benefits which outweigh any harm that the development would do to the site. An evaluation prepared by a suitably qualified ecologist of the impact of a proposed development and how any adverse impact could be off-set by mitigation measures. For guidance consult the National Park Authority's Wildlife & Conservation Team.

Any surveys will need to be carried out by an appropriately experienced and qualified person. Where appropriate all reports should be accompanied by plans showing significant wildlife habitat or features.

