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Local information requirements

Heritage statement

What is required?

To standardise the process you or your agent are encouraged to read the Guidance for writing heritage statements. In many cases the heritage statement will be a simple written description, however in more complex cases, it may be necessary to cross-reference this to photographs, photomontages, plans (layouts, elevations, sections), historic plans and maps.

All statements should include:


Clearly identify all features you are proposing works to, with reference to their locations. Each feature should be put into a separate row. Refer to any 'as existing' drawings or photos which show the features.

Detailed description

Give a detailed description of each feature including its age, design, materials, etc. Be as precise as you can and keep in mind that your feature may be visible in the wider surroundings, which needs to be outlined here as well.

Heritage significance

State the architectural or historic significance of each feature including its archaeological, architectural, artistic and/or historic value.

Proposed works

Clearly specify the works you propose for each feature, in chronological order. Refer to any 'as proposed' drawings.


Justify the impact of your proposed works on the heritage significance of each feature and its surrounding area.

Depending on the nature of the application it may also be necessary to provide some or all of the following elements:

  • Schedule of works/method statement
  • Structural assessment
  • Detailed building record
  • Archaeological survey.

Policies and guidance
