Planning a visit?

Living & Working


Visit the Dales


Local information requirements

Marketing evidence

What is required?

Where a proposal would lead to a permanent loss of significant employment, the applicant will need to demonstrate through evidence that the use of the site is unlikely to be viable in the longer term for renewed employment activities. This could include market intelligence and market testing that demonstrates that the site has been exposed to sale or rental, at a price, within its current land use classification (or other uses agreed with the Authority), but has not received any realistic offers. The Authority will also seek advice from the local economic development agency. For the Authority to accept market testing as effective evidence of lack of demand it will look for advertising of the premises for a minimum of six months at a price which fairly reflects its value or rental value. The price should be agreed with the National Park Authority in advance, and the estate agent should be advised to register expressions of interest with the Authority.
